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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Jeev Vijnjan (1995-2018) Paper I & II (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

"Biology is included in the UPSC's list of optional subjects, which covers a total of 48 disciplines. The UPSC syllabus for this subject is extremely specialised, and it includes taxonomy, ecology, cytology, and genetics. The subjects covered in this subject are theoretical and applied biology related. Services to Civilians Biology is one of the Optional Subjects in the Mains exam, comprising two exams (Paper I and Paper II). Chordate and non chordata, ecology, ethology, economic zoology, biostatistics, and instrumentation method are all covered in Paper 1. Cell biology, genetics, evolution, systematics, biochemistry, physiology, and developmental biology are all covered in Paper 2. Because of the low competition and specialised nature of the syllabus, IAS hopefuls should notice that Zoology for UPSC can significantly boost their chances of selection. As a result, thorough planning is required. " Refer to this PPT for UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Jeev Vijnjan (1995-2018) Paper I & II (Hindi) question paper.

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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Jeev Vijnjan (1995-2018) Paper I & II (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

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