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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims General Comprehension (1995-2018) Paper I & II

Presentations | English

The General comprehension section is one of the easiest and time consuming part of the UPSC IAS / IPS prelims examination. It is easy to solve for the candidates to practice very well and enhances their reading and understanding skills. General Studies has the highest share of marks in UPSC Civil Service Prelims. Paper 1 comprises of 100 questions with a score of 200. Candidates should make sure that they go through important General studies books to score better. It comprises: Economic and Social Development, Indian polity and Governance, General Science, Indian and World Geography, General issues on environmental ecology, biodiversity and climate change, Current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian national movement. For each wrong answer, one by third or 33% mark will be deducted from the secured score. This paper is very important as it determines the qualifying level of the aspirant and is easy to score. Refer to this PPT for UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims General Comprehension (1995-2018) Paper I & II question paper.

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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims General Comprehension (1995-2018) Paper I & II

Presentations | English

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