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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Judiciary & Legal Rights (1995-2018) Paper I & II

Presentations | English

"In IAS/IPS Prelims, the section of Judiciary and Legal Rights comes under Paper I title Indian Polity and Governance. The exam is usually for 200 marks and for a duration of 2 hours. The Indian Polity and Governance section of IAS Prelims Syllabus is very important as well as difficult at the same time. Significant because there are always large number of questions appearing in the IAS Prelims General Studies Paper I. In the year of 2015 , 12 questions were asked from this section. The titles discussed under this section are Indian Constitution, Organs of Government (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary), Constitutional Bodies and Organizations. Other important topics as given in the syllabus are “Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, Governance, Interaction of Union Government of India with the states and so on. Current affairs update and latest happenings with Indian Constitution are important part to be noted from this section". Refer to this PPT for UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Judiciary & Legal Rights (1995-2018) Paper I & II question paper.

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UPSC IAS/IPS Prelims Judiciary & Legal Rights (1995-2018) Paper I & II

Presentations | English

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