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Agriculture & Economy

Agriculture is the one thing that sustains all human population on earth. It is also a major source of employment, especially in the developing world. It is no wonder then that agriculture is one of the largest industries in the world, and it has a significant impact on our economy. According to the World Bank, the agricultural sector contributed to 4% of the global gross domestic product in 2018; In India alone, agriculture contributes to approximately 17% of the country’s GDP; and in some economies, it might be as high as 25%. Want to know more about the impact of agriculture on our economy and the vice versa? We have you covered! Find all you want to know about agriculture and economy, right here. Search away!

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Advantages of Irrigation

Presentations | English


Keralathinte Sasya Vaividhyam

Documents | Malayalam

Advantages of Irrigation

Presentations | English


Agriculture and Young Indian

Presentations | English


Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 5

Presentations | Telugu


Presentations | English

Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 3

Presentations | Telugu

Introduction to Agriculture

Presentations | English

Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 6

Presentations | Telugu

Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 2

Presentations | Telugu

Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 1

Presentations | Telugu

Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Part 4

Presentations | Telugu

Advantages of Irrigation

Presentations | English


Presentations | English

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