Literary theory and criticism are two disciplines dedicated to the analysis of literary works that are always growing. They provide novel approaches to text analysis based on certain views or concepts. There are a variety of literary theories, or frameworks, that can be used to approach and analyse a book. Marxist, psychoanalytic, feminist, and other approaches are among them. Queer theory examines literature through the lenses of sex, gender, and identity, and is a relatively new contribution to the field. Poetics, the study of the structure of individual works and groupings of works, such as all of a given writer's works or the works of a literary school or epoch, is the most significant component of literary theory and criticism. Each of the major disciplines of literary theory and criticism can be linked to poetics. In the strict sense, poetic principles can also be applied to critique. In literary theory and criticism, stylistics plays a similar role. Stylistics, as part of general poetics, can be included in literary theory; stylistics is the study of one level of the structure, the stylistic and language level. Stylistics is the study of the language and style of a certain period or school in literary history. In the strict sense, studying the stylistics of modern works has nearly always been one of the most important duties of literary criticism.