Language, the communicative device that we humans use extensively to stay socially connected, is perhaps our greatest achievements since even before the dawn of human civilisation. Since times immemorial, we humans have come up with a large number of languages, some alive, some dead, some only spoken and some only existing today in print, and most still evolving. And without language, how can literature be possible? The two go hand in glove; the latter following the former. Language and literature help to enhance the cultural aspects of communities. The aesthetic world of literature has been able to create a cultural heritage and also herald in change, in the form of inspiration, encouragement or even dissent, and through all this, language has acted as the backbone, giving form and structure to thought processes. In this section, we offer various aspects of language and literature, ranging from grammar to literary concepts, vocabulary, word origins, literary genres and ages, critical analysis of literary pieces and so much more. These are not restricted to English alone. We have resources on many Indian and world languages as well. Scroll down or search with specific words in the search bar and find resources that interest you. Read away!
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