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CSIR UGC NET Life Science

If you want to make a career as a lecturer or researcher after pursuing a post graduation in Life Science, then CSIR Net Exam is one of the best exams which can lead you to get amazing career opportunities. The CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam is a single paper test with multiple choice questions (MCQs). It is divided into three parts. Part A carries 20 questions relating to General science, Quantitative Reasoning and more, candidates need to answer any 15 questions. Part B consists 50 MCQs covering topic from the syllabus and the candidate needs to answer 35 questions. Part C contains 75 questions which is to basically understand the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and the application of them. The candidate needs to answer any 25 questions. Moreover, there is a negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer. The duration of the exam is for three hours. All the previous years Questions and Answers are given in the presentations. Referring these question papers will help to pass the examinations in the first attempt. Got to start learning now itself!!

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CSIR UGC-NET -Life Science 2015 December (English)

Presentations | English

CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2016 June (English)

Presentations | English

CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2015 December (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

CSIR UGC-NET -Life Science 2016 December (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

CSIR UGC-NET -Life Science 2017 December (English)

Presentations | English

CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2015 June (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi


CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2016 June (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2016 December (English)

Presentations | English

CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2017 December (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

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