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CSIR UGC-NET -Life Science 2016 December (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

If you want to make a career as a lecturer or researcher after pursuing a postgraduation in Life Science, then CSIR Net Exam is one of the best exams which can lead you to get amazing career opportunities. The CSIR-UGC (NET) Exam is a single paper test with multiple choice questions (MCQs). It is divided into three parts. Part A carries 20 questions relating to General science, Quantitative Reasoning and more, candidates need to answer any 15 questions. Part B consists 50 MCQs covering topic from the syllabus and the candidate needs to answer 35 questions. Part C contains 75 questions which is to basically understand the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and the application of them. The candidate needs to answer any 25 questions. Moreover, there is a negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer. The duration of the exam is for three hours. Refer PPT for CSIR UGC-NET - Life Science 2016 December (Hindi) question paper.

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CSIR UGC-NET -Life Science 2016 December (Hindi)

Presentations | Hindi

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