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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

How is it possible for latest smartphones to identify its user’s face? How does face recognition work? Nowadays technology has been developed so efficiently that even machines began to behave like human beings. Artificial intelligence is everywhere and has a significant impact on human lives. This process is primarily automated in which the computer acts on the data through specified algorithms. Besides being an electronic machine, computer has the capability to perform arithmetic and logical functions. We all use Google maps to find a location which is unknown to us. It works on the principle of artificial intelligence. Computer science is predominantly the study of the vast arena of computer and its technology. Computer is a device which is used to store and process any data. The working of bots in chats, google assistants, search recommendation and auto correction work on artificial intelligence.

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Use of AI for Business Development

Presentations | English

Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

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Use of AI in Business Developments

Presentations | English

Artificial Neural Networks

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Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence

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Humanoid Robots

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Ambient Intelligence

Presentations | English


Artificial Intelligence

Presentations | English


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