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CSIR UGC-NET - Physical Science 2016 June (English)

Presentations | English

In CSIR UGC NET Exam in physical science specialisation, the question paper will consist of total 3 sections – Part A comprises the questions from General Aptitude Section, and remaining two will be based on the questions from CSIR UGC NET Physical Science Syllabus. After knowing the exam pattern, select the important topics out of the CSIR UGC NET Physics Syllabus and assign them a priority as per the marks weightage. The CSIR Physical Science Syllabus is very vast; the candidates need to plan a wise approach to cover the entire CSIR UGC NET Exam Syllabus for Physics. Refer PPT for CSIR UGC-NET - Physical Science 2016 June (English) question paper.

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CSIR UGC-NET - Physical Science 2016 June (English)

Presentations | English

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