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Corporate Finance

Presentations | English

"Isn’t finance an important topic to business and people alike? Do you often wonder how the business gets its finance from? From where does business gets it funds to perform its operations? The business is a dynamic activity! There are different ways in which a business can raise its finance both from internal sources as well as external sources. If the business is unable to generate sufficient funds from internal sources then it may need to look to external sources. The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value. It can apply to products, services, companies, management, and of a business through planning and implementation of resources, while balancing risk and profitability. There are should be proper management of how to acquire these funds. If not monitored properly, it will lead the company to ruins. It is a quite interesting topic to know about the background details of the acquirement of finance by companies, isn’t it? Finance is the back bone of any organisation. If there is no finance, then the organisation won’t have soul and blood, but only body!"

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PPTX (26 Slides)

Corporate Finance

Presentations | English

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