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Financial Planning

A perfect financial planning should include your income, investment, debts and many other certain criteria. Finance is the management of money, providing funds and investing in a business. Banking is a process which helps to safeguard others money, lend loans, and make transactions. Benjamin Franklin invented the concept of insurance. It is a scheme or process which helps people to protect themselves from financial loss. There are many types of insurance like car, bike, health and many more. It helps as a financial tool during crisis and is an important for economical development. It is important to understand the financial background and develop a proper plan for the client. It should help in every possible way so that you don’t encounter a pitfall during times of financial crisis. Proper financial planning helps you save for your retirement and help you achieve for the future goals.

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Personal Finance Planning Process

Presentations | English


Personal Finance and its Significance

Presentations | English


Personal Finance and its Significance

Presentations | English

Significance of Personal Finance

Presentations | English

Personal Finance and its Significance

Presentations | English

Personal Finance Principles

Presentations | English

Personal Finance and its Significance

Presentations | English

Tips to Save Money in College Life

Presentations | English


Personal Finance

Presentations | English

Benefits of Personal Finance

Presentations | English

Personal Finance Tips

Presentations | English

Personal Finance and it’s Significance

Presentations | English

Personal Finance

Presentations | English

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