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Web Technology

Presentations | English

Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master. There was a time when people thought internet to be another world. But now it’s a tool we use in this modern world. We all are now connected, like the neurons in a giant brain. Now, it’s considered as an escape from real world. Web Technology refers to the various tools and techniques that are utilized in the process of communication between different types of devices over the internet. Learning the subject is essential today because internet has become the number one source of information, and many of the traditional software applications have become Web Applications. It includes browsers, HTML and cascading style sheets, frameworks, programming languages, protocols and so on. It is important to stay updated and learn new things in no time. New technologies change the entire web development process, and it can be hard sometimes to understand all of them in the right way. Download this PPT to take a peek into the field of Web Technology.

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PPTX (57 Slides)

Web Technology

Presentations | English