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Water Pollution

Presentations | English

Water pollution is the environmental pollution caused by the pollution of water bodies such as ponds, lakes, rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater sources. Water pollution generally occurs when wastes are mixed directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment and removal of hazardous elements. Organic or inorganic substances cause water pollution. Water is an excellent solvent so it dissolves substances even in small quantities. This increases the risk of water pollution. As oxygen in the water is used up, the amount of oxygen decreases significantly as the amount of dissolved matter increases. Factories that process food and leather, as well as factories that produce dyes and textiles, all produce carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in rocks causes natural water pollution. Pesticides and fertilizers contaminate water sources. The phenomenon of eutrophication also occurs due to the lack of scientific adoption in modern farming methods.

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Water Pollution

Presentations | English