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Understanding of Emotions

Presentations | English

"Why you experience emotions in your daily life? May be in your workplace as annoyance or sadness while you lose someone. Emotions serve a purpose, giving out a feedback for something positive or negative happening in your life. These are of different types and rule ourselves. We take decisions always on the basis of happiness, anger, boredom or sadness. Inside our brain there is limbic system that deals with emotions and therefore this implies the power of an emotional response. It is linked with a person's memory and response. Managing it is all about controlling oneself about how to feel about things. Exercise plays a significant role by releasing dopamine making you remain positive. Have an attitude of kindness towards others to stop worrying about oneself. Spend time with people and engage in things you are interested in. Learn to appreciate what is happening around yourself. More information about the topic can be obtained from the powerpoint presentation."

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Understanding of Emotions

Presentations | English