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Types of Investment Decision

Presentations | English

"What is the significance of investment decision? What are the different types of investment decisions? What is nature of investment decision? There are four main financial decisions- Capital Budgeting or Long term Investment decision (Application of funds), Capital Structure or Financing decision (Procurement of funds), Dividend decision (Distribution of funds) and Working Capital Management Decision in order to accomplish goal of the firm. Why are investment decisions so important? What is its importance in long term investment decision? Investment decision taken by individual concern is of national importance because it determines employment, economic activities and economic growth. – Involves not only large amount of fund but also long term on permanent basis. – It increases financial risk involved in investment decision. Don’t you want to know further on the types of investment decision? Asset allocation is the most important investment decision because it determines the risk-return characteristics of the portfolio, right? Let’s get to know more about the topic, shall we?"

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Types of Investment Decision

Presentations | English