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Trade and Globalization

Presentations | English

In the current state of living, man and his relations whether it be commercial or personal have elevated to the next levels of worldwide networking. Globalization is the procedure, born out of modernization and urbanization, by which the world is evolving increasingly interconnected as a yield of tremendous expansion in trade and cultural exchange. This process has broadened the generation of goods and services. The largest companies are no longer national firms, located in one single country; they are multinational corporations with businesses in many countries. It brought about commendable and considerable impacts on the market and human relations ranging from, increased international trade, similar company functioning in multiple countries, a greater reliance on the global economy, easier movement of capital, goods and services, the introduction of MNCs such as McDonald’s, H&M Starbucks etc. in developing countries. Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services between various countries around the world. Goods that are brought into a country are named imports and those that are sold to another country are named exports. Trade transpires because no country has adequate raw materials or manufactured goods to be self-sufficient. Global trade has been made possible through the process of globalization. The provided PowerPoint will guide you through more information.

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Trade and Globalization

Presentations | English