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Thamizhil Thavarangalin Peyargal Episode 6

Presentations | Tamil

If you just want to grow some vegetables in your backyard, you don't need to memorize botanical names; however, if you're studying horticulture, it's necessary. While it may appear daunting at first, it will become easier with practice. The first list of names is the most difficult to navigate. Let's take a look at the history of plant names to see how they are named and how we got to our current system. While plant names are brief, once you understand the rules for writing them, you can learn a lot more about a plant by deciphering the name as it appears on plant tags and seed packets. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, developed the binomial (two names) system for naming plants in the 1700s. Animal names are also created in this manner. It is now easier for everyone to study this as it is now available to Tamil! Check out the ppt to know more.

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Thamizhil Thavarangalin Peyargal Episode 6

Presentations | Tamil