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Subjectivity in the Posthuman Dismantling_the Posthuman Foundation of Her and Interstellar

Documents | English

The posthuman subject is found among its surroundings in deep relationality to its fellow nonhuman species and entities. This relationality is strictly wherever the transformative potential of the posthuman subject lies. The Posthuman is located at a pertinent analytical juncture within the Humanities and Social Sciences, specifically between Science with Technology Studies and neo-communist theory – an analytical juncture wherever science and technology, subjectivities and advanced laissez-faire economy ne'er quite meet. The continued rise of STS, an increase during which Bruno Latour's work remains leading is marked by a theoretical and empirical enthusiasm for human/nonhuman relationality. However, during this enthusiasm, the question of however power invests subject formations has virtually entirely disappeared. On the opposite aspect of the juncture, political analyses of laissez-faire economy and its biopolitical investments have neglected the force of technology and science in favour of a stress on subjectivities. Here i'm specifically thinking of the influential work of Hardt and Negri. within the Posthuman, Braidotti speaks across this juncture, by creating express the intimate relations between scientific and technological production, advanced laissez-faire economy and human/nonhuman hybridity.

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Subjectivity in the Posthuman Dismantling_the Posthuman Foundation of Her and Interstellar

Documents | English