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Structure of Skeletal Muscles-Part 2

Presentations | English

In daily life, structures and arrangements of designs are dictated, to a large extent by the purpose and function for which the design is meant for. Knowing that skeletal muscle is made up mainly of fibrous tissues, the arrangement of these tissues and how they are bound together to maintain a particular shape in order to accomplish different purposes (mainly to generate force and produce movement) may to a large extent, define the structure of the muscle. Just like many other cells in the body are specialized according to their functions, skeletal muscle cells are specialized to produce force and movement. The skeletal muscle fibre is thus composed of mainly three structural elements:-the myofibrils, the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria, each contributing a unique aspect of muscle function. The entire function of the muscle can be attributed to the shifts in proportions of these three structures.

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Structure of Skeletal Muscles-Part 2

Presentations | English