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Stage-8 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English

Which is the last stage of the Cycle of Development? Well, it is stage 8, which corresponds to Towards Death: Integration of Life Experiences 1. In the last part of our lives, or whenever we knowingly face death, we are called to finish putting all the pieces together. Some of us don’t wait for the imminence of death to do this. We do and redo this “wrapping up,” this celebrating and grieving process, throughout our lives. This stage may be incorporated in the normal recycling process or it may be a stage that occurs only once. Developmental tasks of the older adult: to prepare for death; to make conscious, ethical preparation for leaving, to explore connections with humankind and connections with a higher power, to reassess artificial barriers, or judgments, that keep distance between ourselves and others, to adjust to and grieve the loss of any physical and mental capabilities, to integrate life experiences with personal beliefs and values, to be willing to share our wisdom; to be clear about what we have wisdom about and what we do not and to refine the arts of greeting, leaving and grieving.

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Stage-8 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English