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Stage-5 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English

What do we have here, Stage 5 of the cycle of Development? This is the stage of Skills and Structure: Six to Twelve Years. During the six years, we initially spend time acquiring the skills, tools, and values we need to get by in the world. To install this internal framework, we incorporate a whole range of opinions and values to perceive the world in a structured, coherent way. This includes understanding the need for rules, the freedom that comes from having appropriate rules, and how rules help us get by in the world. Developmental Tasks of the Child at this stage includes learning skills, learning to listen to collect information and think, practicing thinking and doing; to reason about wants and needs, to check out family/caregiver rules, ideas and values, and learn about structures and people outside the immediate family or familial structure, to experience the consequences of breaking rules; to develop internal controls, to disagree with others and still be loved, to learn what is the possibility and learn when to “flow,” and when to stand firm; to develop the capacity to co-operate. One way we do this is to observe others’ behavior and copy whatever fits with the identity we have chosen.

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Stage-5 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English