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Stage-2 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English

How do we know that Stage 2 has started? Stage 2 is the Doing and Exploring: Six to Eighteen Months. It is characterized by an intense interest in and curiosity about our surroundings. Wanting to move and explore, to touch and taste and see everything. Developmental Tasks of the Child during this stage involve: To explore and experience the environment; to develop initiative, developing sensory awareness by using all senses, to signal needs; to trust others and ourselves; to get help in times of distress, to continue forming secure attachments with parents, caregivers and others who play a significant role in the child’s life and to start to learn that there are options and not all problems are easily solved. The returning to Doing can be recognized when the Doing” issues become prominent, reluctance to initiate, boredom, and conflicts about whether to be goal-directed or not have any goals for a while. The need to be mobile and active becomes paramount. As in our first experience of this stage, our curiosity is heightened as well as our intuitiveness.

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Stage-2 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English