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Smart Phone - Boon or Bane

Presentations | English

What is the first thing we do in the morning when we wake up? Check our phones for messages, emails, news alerts, do we not? How do we keep ourselves busy during this travel? We surf the internet, read news, watch videos or chat with our friends on WhatsApp or at the very least, listen to music – all this on our smartphone. All things in the universe can be a boon or a bane or in other words, a blessing or a curse. Mobile phone usage is growing at a rapid rate. With smartphones, people have access to a variety of information at their fingertips. Today, the world is unimaginable without the omnipresent mobile phones. Some of the negatives about smartphones are addiction, eye harm and exposed to undesirable content online, making us a couched potato, crime etc. Everything is best when it’s used in moderation and this is the case with mobile phones. Let us look at some positive things about mobile phone usage are more knowledge, can connect easily with loved ones, contact when emergency. And in nowadays you don’t need a wallet if you have a mobile because it got apps to keep our documents secure and can transfer money directly when you are in need.

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Smart Phone - Boon or Bane

Presentations | English

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