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Significance of Newspaper in Our Life

Presentations | English

"If you don't believe me just read the newspaper", it is a common day's expression. The printed words have such a magic power in our day-to-day life. The newspaper is one of the inevitable sources of information in our daily life. Newspapers are source of immense information and it caters to information about various happenings around the world. It also provides space for public grievances. They make us aware and increase our knowledge about current affairs in the politics, sports, economics, health sectors etc. Thus, the importance of the newspaper in our lives is indispensable. Any news that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his needs is good for him. It is said that literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. Reading news keep you updated in the society, and it gives you source of inspiration and knowledge. Newspapers also feature fantastic pieces about social concerns, civilizations, the arts, and other topics. It communicates to the public the population's view on critical subjects.

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Significance of Newspaper in Our Life

Presentations | English