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Saying Thank You in English - Template 04

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The truth is that the word "thank you" has a magical quality to it. It's just words, like sorry, but they serve as a shorthand for so much more. Thank you expresses our gratitude and shows our appreciation. But, more importantly, it is a gesture of gratitude to the person who has assisted you (or given you something). It's a sign that you don't take them for granted and that they're important to you. That is why it is important to express gratitude. People who express gratitude on a regular basis receive better service. Furthermore, they frequently discover that others are eager to 'go the extra mile' for them. And, of course, expressing gratitude to family, friends, and coworkers will pay off in a variety of ways, from a happier home life to increased business success. In fact, several well-known business gurus claim that saying thank you is almost entirely responsible for their success.

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Saying Thank You in English - Template 04

Images | English