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"Derived from the arabic alphabet ""Sad"" and from the Prophet ""Dawood"", both of which are mentioned in the very 1st and 17th verses, the thirty-eighth Surah in the Holy Book of Quran is titled 'Sad', also called 'Dawood'. It comprises of a total of 88 verses (ayah), divided into 5 Rukus and Sections. After its revealation in Mecca during the time when the Meccan opposition had gone from simple verbal disagreements to physical harrasment and social restrictions and bans; this was also the same time when a groups Muslims emigrated to the land of Abyssinia. One of the most significant aspects of the 38th Surah evidently authenticates Muhammad's role as Prophet Muhammad through proof of the Messengers of God and other evidences of the bad things that happened to people who refused to listen to the holy messages."

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