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Principles of Employee Empowerment

Presentations | English

"An empowering manager's mission is to create a work environment where employees are empowered, productive, contributing, and pleased. Rather of stifling employees by restricting their access to tools or knowledge, trust them to do the right thing, get out of their way, and watch them catch fire. These are some key concepts for leading people in a way that promotes employee empowerment, achievement, and participation. All of your actions and words, including your facial expression, body language, and the words you select to communicate what you're thinking about the individuals who report to you, should reflect your respect for them. Your aim is to show that you recognize each person's distinct worth. Your respect for an employee as a human being should never waver and should always be apparent, regardless of how well they do on their present work. Assist individuals in feeling like they're a part of something greater than just themselves and their employment. Ascertain that they are aware of the organization's overarching goal, vision, and strategic plans, and that they have access to them."

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PPTX (22 Slides)

Principles of Employee Empowerment

Presentations | English