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Prejudice and Discrimination

Presentations | English

The common cause leading to human conflicts are prejudice and discrimination. This concept explains about how two humans hate one another so that they tend to cause harm to each other. Some people used to be prejudiced towards certain people, while discrimination involves character. Examples of discrimination include race, age, gender etc. Many prejudices usually are passed on to children from parents. This rises when there arises a competition for jobs, that is in economic and social stress. Ethnocentrism is comparing one's own cultural norms and values with others. Changes in law have always helped in altering prejudice attitudes. Discrimination affects people's opportunities, wellness and sense of agency. Racism is prejudice and discrimination against a specific racial group. Gender based discrimination is based on sex, for example expecting women are expected to do household chores than other jobs. More information about this topic can be understood from the presentation.

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Prejudice and Discrimination

Presentations | English