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Plant Growth Hormones

Presentations | English

For humans, the progression is infant, toddler, adolescent, young adult, middle aged adult, and senior citizen, while plants go from seed to sprout, then through vegetative, budding, flowering and ripening stages. Hormones are strong chemical messengers that cause physiological change, just as they are in our own bodies. Hormones are responsible for all aspects of plant growth and development, which is similar in humans. Auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, and abscisic acid are the five primary kinds of plant hormones. Each hormone has a specific purpose, and auxins and cytokinins can substantially increase plant vigour, stimulate root and shoot development, and alleviate stress in oilseed, pulse, and cereal crops. Plant hormones may also break down dormancy in many plants and relieve abiotic stress (salinity, high temperatures, drought, etc. ), resulting in improved germination and development in many plants.

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Plant Growth Hormones

Presentations | English