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Plant Growth

Presentations | English

Plants are vital to all life on Earth. They are important because plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen. In addition, plants make up the base of the food web by producing their own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals. The root part absorbs water and some nutrients the plant needs to live and grow. These climb the stem and reach the leaves. The evaporation of water from pores in the leaves pulls water through the plant. A plant needs sunlight, carbon dioxide, minerals and water to make food by photosynthesis. Growth in a plant is the outcome of cell division, enlargement of the new cells and their differentiation into different types of tissues. These processes of growth are accompanied by (i) a permanent change in size (usually an increase in length or volume) and (ii) an increase in the dry weight of the growing parts.

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Plant Growth

Presentations | English