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Physical Appearance for Interviews

Presentations | English

Interviews are always critical in everybody’s life. Be it the first one or the most recent one, the stress we go through does not change one bit. The interviewers may change, our experience may have increased accordingly and we will have grown so much than the first one, but the crux of it all ultimately remains the same. It is an interview and interviews are always crucial. The million-dollar question although is not whether we correctly packed our resumes or rechecked our documents for a typing mistake; it is whether we were appropriately dressed or not. Being appropriately dressed does not necessarily mean dressing up in fancy suits and shoes but it is about maintaining a dress code while looking presentable. Physical Appearance for Interviews are as important as attending the interviews. The PPT gives a details description of the what to do and what not do, so, hurry up and open it!

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PPTX (25 Slides)

Physical Appearance for Interviews

Presentations | English