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Parasitic Computing

Presentations | English

Do you know what Parasiting Computer means? Parasitic Computing is a programming technique where a program in normal authorized interactions with another program manages to get the other program to perform computations of a complex nature. It was first proposed by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Vincent W. Freeh, Hawoong Jeong & Jay B. Brockman from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, in 2001. By Parasitic Computing, one machine forces target computers to solve a piece of a complex computational problem merely by engaging them in standard communication. Consequently, the target computers are unaware that they have performed computation for the benefit of a commanding node. Parasitic computing takes advantage of the power of distributed computing to solve complex problems, but the parasite computer induces “participating” computers, already connected to the Internet, to perform computations without the awareness or consent of their owners. It is, in a sense, security exploit in that the program implementing the parasitic computing has no authority to consume resources made available to the other program. Download the PPT to know more.

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PPTX (17 Slides)

Parasitic Computing

Presentations | English