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On the Job Methods of Development

Presentations | English

To know more about On the Job Methods of Development, refer the presentation. Mentoring, job shadowing, having internships or going for co-worker training are some of the on the job methods for job development in a company. Their confidence, attitude, leadership development skills all matters when it comes to the executive part of the company. The team of executive development in an organisation helps every employee to meet their goals and work for their company more efficiently and effectively. Off the job methods of executive development in a company might include development of behavioural modelling, giving them realistic opportunities to bring out the best in decision making skills in them and many more. This improves their basic knowledge about the company’s growth. It is important to improve the employees conceptual and decision making skills along with logical and analytical skills in order to impart basic knowledge about their activity.

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On the Job Methods of Development

Presentations | English