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Oil Pollution in India

Presentations | English

Oil pollution in particular is a kind of water pollution, and a dangerous one at that. Oil does not dissolve in water and hence oil usually floats on the surface of water. Oil Pollution is the resultant contamination of environment due to the introduction/presence of oil in excessive quantity. Marine water is especially affected by this form of pollution. Ships and tankers carrying crude oil across the oceans may cause deadly oil spills in marine water due to various causes, leakage being the most common one. The quantity of oil spills matter when it comes to the significance of oil and water pollution Oil combines with mud and other dirty substances and sinks to the bottom of the water bodies. As a result of this, the oil tends to stay at the bottom for ages causing harmful effects on the marine life living on the bed of the sea. When very large amount of oil pollution occurs, it is extremely tedious to clean up the water afterwards. Measures taken to reverse the pollution affects may prove futile, if action is not taken at the right time. So it is wise to take preventive measures rather than treatment ones. Prevention is an important action step but awareness precedes this step.

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Oil Pollution in India

Presentations | English

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