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"The seventy first chapter or Surah in the Holy Book of Quran is titled Nuh or ""Noah"", referring to the Prophet Nuh. The elementary subject of focus in the Surah is of the stories of Prophet Nuh and hence the title. It comprises a total of 28 verses (ayah) which are then divided into 2 Rukus or Sections. The Surah was revealed during the later stages of Prophet Muhammad's preachings which was also the time as when the persecution and it's events became worse. The Surah talks about who Noah or Nuh was and about his significance. It also consists of and discusses of Nuh's complaint about how everybody ignored and rejected his warnings sent by Allah Himself. He goes on to explain how it was wrongful to deny and ignore His message and warnings and thus ignore signs of the flood that was approaching while also addressing the punishment for rejecting so."

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MP3 (1 Units)


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