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Models of Electric Current

Presentations | English

What is the model for electric current? Research findings indicate that students’ understanding of electric current in simple circuits is confused by many alternative conceptions. The model of current which is universally accepted is one of moving electrons in a wire, responding to a difference in potential across the ends of the wire. Circuit models are often analysed by a computer program such as SPICE, which may also contain specialised models of transistors, diodes and other active, nonlinear devices. The model used for electric circuits by scientists today makes use of the idea that all substances contain electrically charged particles. cause of this movement is an energy source like a battery, which pushes the charged particles. A simple electric circuit is an electricity supply (e.g. batteries) connected to a series of electrical wires and electrical equipment (e.g. LED light) to form a circle. When the circle is not complete, it is called an open circuit.

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Models of Electric Current

Presentations | English