Presentations | English
Are mischief and mistakes same? They are not. Examples of mischief or mischievous activities include damaging someone else's home or vehicle, damaging public or private property, various acts of violence and even graffiti (tagging public or private property). In order to prove guilt, the action must be seen as having been performed wilfully. Mischief is a cause or source of harm, evil or annoyance. Mistake is defined as to misinterpret or to confuse someone with another person or error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge or carelessness. Mistake has a lot of uses, but they all have to do with doing the wrong thing. A mistake in math class will result in the wrong answer, but a mistake with a gun could get someone killed. Mistakes are unintentional and that’s the most important thing to note about them. But even when a mistake is the result of carelessness, it is an unintentional act.
Yogita Parihar
187 resources
PPTX (38 Slides)
Presentations | English