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"The nineteenth chapter in Holy Book of Quran is titled Maryam. The name of the Surah was derived from the 16th verse where 'Maryam', the mother of Prophet Jesus, and their story is mentioned, although this is not the actual subject that is thoroughly discussed in the entire Surah. It comprises of a total of 98 verses (ayah) divided into 6 Rukus or Sections. This Surah is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, approximately six to seven years from the migration of Prophet Muhammad to Madina. At this point of time, the opposition shown by the Meccans had transitioned from verbal accusations to physical to socio-economic regulation, restrictions and bans. The elementary theme of the Surah is based on how although the world runs on certain set of rules and regulations, the God remains above all the law"
MP3 (1 Units)
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