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Management of the Natural Resources

Presentations | English

"Energy is all we need for all activities. This is mainly obtained from natural resources. They are air, water, land, soil, plants and animals which are under threat mainly due to global warming, industrial expansion and overpopulation. Managing natural resources is very important to maintain a balance in ecosystem, avoid over-consumption and further destruction of natural resources. Its all about sustainable utilisation and avoiding wastage especially the non-renewable ones. The introduction of three R's (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) helps in controlling over exploitation and pollution to a large extent. Forest preserve biodiversity therefore are to be protected. Afforestation and promoting wildlife sanctuaries can result in conservation of ecosystem. Approaches like Community-based natural resource management are introduced with conservation and economic objective carried out by local people. Interesting facts about the topic can be understood from the powerpoint presentation."

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Management of the Natural Resources

Presentations | English