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Lost and Found (03)

Templates | English

Lost and Found Notices: These are issued informing the readers about personal belongings lost or found and requesting the finder or owner to return or collect it from or give it to the one issuing the notice. Unlike other forms of notices, which are written in third person, lost and found notices are written in first person. They are crisp and more informative. In case of seeking lost items, the issuer of the notice often offers a reward to the one who returns it. One important aspect of communication is business communication, also known as formal communication. Formal letters, memos, circulars etc. are all forms of business communication. Another important tool of the same is a notice. Notices are a means of formal communication targeted at a particular person or a group of persons. It is like a news item informing such person or persons of some important event. This can be an invitation to a meeting, an announcement of any event, to issue certain instructions, make appeals etc. is generally written and then displayed at a public place, where it is accessible to all. They can be pasted on notice boards. If it is meant for a wider audience it can even be published in a newspaper.

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Lost and Found (03)

Templates | English