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Kinds of Judicial Review & Ultravires Doctrine

Presentations | English

Is it feasible to envisage a society without a legal system? Never. The Judiciary is a court system that interprets and applies the law. The courts' job is to decide cases by determining the relevant facts and the applicable law, and then applying the relevant facts to the applicable law. Judicial Review is the ability of courts to rule on the constitutionality of government legislative and executive acts that fall within their jurisdiction. There are several kinds of Judicial Review—Legislative Actions: This review entails the authority to ensure that laws issued by the legislature are in accordance with the Constitution's provisions. Administrative Actions Review: This is a method for establishing constitutional discipline on administrative agencies as they exercise their powers. Judicial Decisions Review: This review is used to correct or amend prior decisions made by the judiciary. The ultra vires doctrine is the cornerstone of administrative law. According to the idea, an authority can only exert as much power as is granted to it by law. When an authority's activity falls within the scope of the power granted to it, it is intra vires; when it exceeds that scope, it is supra vires. There are two components to the notion of supra vires: substantive and procedural. Read on all this and more with specific case mentions in this PPT. Download to read the entire resource.

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Kinds of Judicial Review & Ultravires Doctrine

Presentations | English