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Kerala SET Physics 2020 February

Presentations | English

The Kerala SET exam is divided into two papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper-I contains two parts-Part A and Part B. Part A includes General Knowledge questions and Part B includes Aptitude questions. This is common for all the candidates. Paper 2 deals with questions based on the subject Physics. Physical science is the natural science that studies matter, its major constituents, its movement and behaviour through space and the related entities of energy and power. Physical science is quite possibly the most basic logical discipline and its principle objective is to see how the universe acts. It is compulsory for candidates to appear for both papers. In both papers, objective multiple choice questions (MCQs) are asked. There is no negative marking. Refer PPT for Kerala SET Physics 2020 February question paper.

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Kerala SET Physics 2020 February

Presentations | English

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