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Job Descriptions - Nurse Anesthetist

Templates | English

A nurse anaesthetist provides pain medication (anaesthesia) care for patients before, during, and after surgery. They administer medications to keep patients asleep or pain-free during surgery and constantly monitor every biological function of the patient’s body. Nurse anaesthetists work with anaesthesiologists, doctors, and surgeons to provide anaesthetics to patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Some common tasks and duties of a nurse anaesthetist include: Preparing patients for anaesthesia, including physical assessment and preoperative teaching, administering anaesthesia to a patient, maintaining anaesthesia during an operation, managing recovery from anaesthesia etc. Nurse anaesthetists work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, surgical clinics, the military, psychiatric institutions, respiratory therapy departments, emergency rooms, and outpatient care centres. The work schedule and on-the-job demands of a nurse anaesthetist can vary greatly depending on where they work.

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DOC (4 Pages)

Job Descriptions - Nurse Anesthetist

Templates | English