Templates | English
Mortgage Closers assemble, prepare, and evaluate mortgage loan closing documentation. They work with the person or firm who is asking for a loan to guide them through all of the appropriate stages. If the mortgage loan is authorised, the Mortgage Closer will oversee the closing process to ensure that all documents are in order and that all loan terms are met. Banks, homebuilders, and financial institutions are the most common employers of mortgage closers. The Mortgage Closer reviews all paperwork to ensure that the collected data is correct, appropriately arranged, fulfils state and federal requirements, and that the loan is on track to be financed. Mortgage Closers serve as the primary point of contact for all parties involved in the transaction. They answer questions, ensure everyone is on the same timeline, and keep things going forward as planned while providing borrowers with the last touches on their loan process. The role of Mortgage Closer is important in making sure the mortgage process goes as smoothly as possible.
DOC (3 Pages)
Templates | English