Templates | English
"Community outreach coordinators oversee the planning and implementation of outreach strategies. They are primarily responsible for connecting people in the broader community by creating sponsorship agreements and cultivating relationships with businesses, individuals, and other relevant organizations. Responsibilities: • Maintain a calendar of outreach activities, including community events, workshops, appearances, and other communication opportunities. • Prepare an annual budget for community outreach activities. • Nurture new and old relationships with collaborative partners. • Schedule regular outreach exhibitions in the community and educate employees on community responsibility. • Prepare accurate records and reports on the goals of the fundraising plan. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, business, or related fields. • Preferred experience of 3-5 years within non-profit fundraising or outreach activities. • Outstanding written communication and presentation skills. • Strong experience preparing reports. • Friendly, enthusiastic, and positive attitude.
DOC (3 Pages)
Templates | English