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Job Descriptions - Clinical Supervisor

Templates | English

A clinical supervisor oversees counsellors and psychologists optimize treatments for clients. This may include hiring top-quality practitioners, leading them to reach their potential, and overseeing clients' treatments. They are also known as the clinical director or clinical manager. The job description of a clinical supervisor calls for a focus on ensuring that patients are receiving the highest quality healthcare services possible. The supervisor can work in a variety of facilities including hospitals, outpatient centres, skilled nursing facilities, clinics and physicians’ practices. A clinical supervisor oversees the work of less experienced clinical staff members, mentors them and helps them hone their skills. A clinical supervisor should ensure that clinical care is valued for its learning opportunities. They look for ways to streamline and enhance administrative operations. They also enhance the quality of a healthcare facility’s service offerings.

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DOC (4 Pages)

Job Descriptions - Clinical Supervisor

Templates | English