Templates | English
Caseworkers (also known as social workers) assist and counsel disadvantaged individuals or families, for example, children from troubled homes, individuals with serious illnesses, or senior citizens. They are employed by government agencies or non-profit organizations. Caseworker Responsibilities: • Assessing cases and compiling case reports containing relevant information. • Ensuring that case reports are kept up to date. • Providing support, guidance, and counsel to families in need. • Making referrals or introductions to other agencies. • Reporting abuse. Caseworker Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in social work. • A master’s degree in social work may be desired. • State licensure or professional registration with a government body may be required. • A valid driver’s license. • Basic computer skills. • Must be socially perceptive to work with individuals who have difficulty expressing their needs. • Knowledge of crisis-intervention methodologies. • Must be organized and practical. • Proven coordination skills to connect individuals/families with relevant services. • Ability to compromise, negotiate, and work well with others.
DOC (3 Pages)
Templates | English