Templates | English
Animal trainers help prepare animals to perform certain tasks or refrain from exhibiting undesirable behaviors. Animal trainers will work closely with animals, monitoring their behavior and physical condition, and their owners or handlers to determine their expectations and discuss the animal’s progress and abilities. Responsibilities: • Speaking with animal owners or trainers to determine their goals and expectations. • Developing an understanding of animal behavior. • Creating training regimes for animals. • Monitoring animals for health and behavioral issues, learning about their unique abilities. • Feeding and medicating animals. • Using positive reinforcement and other techniques to elicit desired animal behavior. Requirements: • High school diploma or equivalent. • Extensive experience working with animals. • A Bachelor’s degree may be required to work with some animals, such as marine life. • Additional on-the-job training is generally required. • Extensive knowledge of animal care and behavior. • Strong presentation, interpersonal, listening, and communication skills. • Patience and exceptional teaching skills. • Thorough record-keeping skills. • Excellent problem-solving abilities.
DOC (4 Pages)
Templates | English