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Interesting Facts About Anne Frank

Presentations | English

"There is no individual who does not recognise the book There is no individual who does not recognise the book ""The Diary of a Young Girl"". Like the title says, a young girl with a dream, Anne Frank, not only wrote daily diary entries but also tales and stories and hoped to publish them later one day. It was her father, Otto Frank, who took the initiative to publish her now translated to 70 + languages, bestseller book. Born on the 12th of June, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, Anne Frank won fame once her diary was published and eventually gained fame posthumously. She was a one of the most recognised and discussed Jewish victims of the infamous Holocaust. Of German - Dutch origin, Frank lost her citizenship in the year 1941 and hence became a refugee to her own state. After being captured and taken from one concentration camp to another, both Anne Frank and her sister Margot Frank passed away."

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Interesting Facts About Anne Frank

Presentations | English